CORE RHTYHM - mediation in motion

Every Wednesday from 11:00am to 12:00pm at Hotel Grand Pacific 463 Belleville St, Victoria. Drop-in: $20.00 OR Punchcard x 12 $168.00 PLUS after the class all participants have the pool and spa for free

Frist Wednesday from 7:00 pm to 8:00 pm at Inner Quest 1600 Cook St. Victoria. Drop-in: $20.00 OR Punchcard of x $60.00. Enter into the garden gate.

Kelowna Tuesday, June 18th, 7:00 pm to 8:00 pm at Okanagan Centre Hall 11099 Maddock Ave. Lake Country. Cost: $10 - $20

Anyone is welcome to join us, no need to be fit or know how to move. In a dimly lit room, Maggie guides the group into a deep inner journey. Allow the body to move us rather than you move your body. It is your body’s higher intelligence in action.


A half day of meditation, inner reflection, group interaction and learning communication tools. This day starts with a SOUND TEMPLE, a handmade Tibetan bowl, 4 NOBLE TRUTH COMMUNICATIONS 4 steps of success and CORE RYTHUM meditation in motion.

DUNCAN - May 11th from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm at Duncan Retreat Center. This workshop is FULL.

KELOWNA - June 17th Kelowna Community Center. This workshop is Full.